Before you plan a holiday with your children make sure you know what you need to do. Being stopped at passport control and asked to prove your child’s identity, or that you have parental responsibility and therefore the right to take them abroad, is far from uncommon. This happens because of child protection issues. The idea is to safeguard against child abduction and child smuggling. Controls are getting tighter, and checks more frequent. Bringing extra documents might seem over the top, but will ensure that you don’t face any difficulty.

Most parents would generally agree that it is in their child’s best interest to be able to have the opportunity to enjoy a holiday abroad. However, when parents separate and emotions are running high people often act out of character and place their own needs before that of the child. However…

What If Your Ex-partner Has Booked A Holiday Abroad Without Consulting You?

It is a criminal offence to take a child out of the UK without the consent of everybody with parental responsibility unless the court has given permission. However, if an order has been made that a child is to live with a person, that person may take that child out of the UK for up to a month at a time.

You’ve Booked A Holiday And Your Ex-partner Is Refusing To Hand Over The Passport

If the holiday has already been booked and your ex-partner is refusing to hand the passport over then you would have to make an urgent application for the release of the passport. Provided you can show that there is no reason why the child should not be able to accompany you on the holiday and that you plan to return to the country after the holiday there should not be any issue with securing the order in your favour.

You will find a number of resources on this hub that will give you the information and advice you need on passports and holidays.

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