Pensions are cash and/or an income paid by the Government or a private company or arrangement on a person’s retirement. Pension funds can be extremely valuable and may be an important part of any financial settlement, especially after longer marriages. 

Pensions often form an important part of the finances to be considered when divorcing, so seeking advice that educates and guides individuals to a fair conclusion is vitally important.

Try and find advice that avoids using too much jargon and covers the pension sharing process itself. Not all pensions are the same, and in most cases just adding up the valuations and dividing them on a 50:50 basis can create very different incomes in retirement, which generally isn’t what is required.

Do We Need A Pension Sharing Report?

A Pension Sharing Report will show how pensions should be shared to create equality, and what the resulting income might be at retirement. Consultation with a Financial Planner can help to make sense of the income you can expect in retirement, which is obviously important when considering your financial future.


Chartered Financial Planner - IFA

Chartered Financial Planner - IFA

A financial planner or independent financial advisor can put into place any financial agreements you decide. What will you do with the pension share? What will you do with cash and shares? How will you invest any money you get for the future? But, more importantly, they can model any plans you have for settlement using financial modelling computer software. This is very helpful in working out a fair settlement. This kind of activity is regulated by the Financial Services Conduct Authority (FSA). Important to note, a lawyer is not allowed to advise you what to do with your money, where to invest it, or what shares to buy unless they are also regulated by the FSA.

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Pensions On Divorce Expert (PODE)

Pensions On Divorce Expert (PODE)

PODEs are specially qualified to provide you with a report to recommend a fair pension share upon divorce/dissolution. A report on your pension division is essential and not something to be skimped on because of time or costs.

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External Resources

A Survival Guide to Pensions on Divorce

This guide by advicenow explains what the law says on pension sharing or splitting. It takes the reader step-by-step through what they need to do to reach an agreement, sometimes called a 'settlement'.


Well laid out information on occupational pensions from your employer, your personal pension and the stakeholder pension scheme.