The early days of separation can feel hazy, fast and yet, at the same time painfully slow. The world as you know it is changing, and you have to take your life and your children’s lives into an unfamiliar future. It can feel intimidating knowing what to do first. As with any major crisis, now is the time to lean on the support of your friends and family. Look after your own needs as well as you possibly can so you can look after those who are dependent on you. Remember that even a few days can make a big difference, so keep your focus on the short-term. Take your time, don’t make any big decisions, the long term will look after itself.
We hope you find the articles below a helpful starting point.
Recognising And Dealing With Stress
Moving house, having a child, divorce, bereavement, losing a job… people commonly quote them but it is hard to pin down actually which ones are worst… there seem so many.…So how do we go about recognising and dealing with stress? This Hub is for people likely to have experienced several of these; often within a…
Is It Over?
Deciding to end a relationship is a complex and difficult process and is not arrived at easily. Equally being told your relationship is at an end, is often a shocking and emotionally traumatic event. So is it over? It is common for those leaving and for those being left, to experience similar feelings despite how…
The Effects Of An Unhappy Relationship On Children
Before having children, we dream of a family home full of love, harmony and peace. Sadly, reality often doesn’t work out that way. Two parents, running a busy house together while keeping their own work and social lives going, is a difficult task and one which can lead to high tension and stress. Children can…
The Role Of Friends In Separation
What is the role of friends in separation? Let’s consider this before we get into things. One of the definitions of a friend is someone you can rely on. Before you separate you believe that your friends will remain with you giving unconditional support. It probably never occurred to you that any of your friends…
Telling The Children We Are Separating?
Telling your children about separation or getting a divorce will never be easy, but there are definitely things to consider before you have that particular discussion with them. Here are some of our most important tips on how to tell your children about a divorce or court order: • If possible, talk to your ex-partner…
We Are Separating. What Practical Steps I Should Take?
For many people it can feel overwhelming when a relationship comes to an end. This checklist is not legal advice but a list of practical steps designed to try and make things a little easier and help you during this difficult time. End Of The Relationship Firstly, make a note of the date that you…